person catching light bulb

The ERUA Team Konstanz is setting up a CRITICAL THINKING module. Who has ideas and wants to get involved? We are looking for administrative as well as academic staff members from all over ERUA!

Critical thinking is one of the many aspects that unites us as ERUA universities. Here in Konstanz, an ERUA module has been and is being set up that explicitly deals with the further promotion of critical thinking as a key competence in studying and teaching as well as in doctoral training.

As the responsible person for this project, I approach you with the wish to share perspectives on the promotion of critical thinking at our respective universities in the context of a round table/get together, e.g. on the following topics:

  • What do our respective educational offerings on critical thinking look like?
  • On which different levels do we start: in curriculum planning, on departmental level, in concrete courses and/or in (academic) staff development? And who do we address (young academics, lecturers and research leaders, institutions and university infrastructure, …)?
  • What cooperations do we have?
  • What are the advantages and challenges of our respective approaches?
  • What (structural, financial, …) possibilities are available to our respective universities?
  • How do we ensure the sustainability of our critical thinking education programmes?

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