ERUA Open Science Meet-Up: Virtual Research Environments (VRE)

On November 23rd, between 14.00 and 14.45 (CET), the next ERUA Open Science Meet-Up will take place on Zoom. The topic is: Virtual Research Environments (VRE)

One aspect of Open Science which so far attracts comparatively little attention are so-called virtual research environments (VRE). The term encompasses a range of (online) systems that help researchers collaborate – both within one institution and in larger settings. In this meet-up, Moritz Jakob, member of the University of Konstanz’ Team Open Science, will contextualise in greater detail what these systems are, which grounds they cover and what needs to be born in mind when setting up VREs. Moreover, as it is one of Moritz’ main tasks in the Team Open Science to find out which VRE-related demands there are within the University of Konstanz (and beyond), we are happy to answer any VRE-related questions you may have. To round things up, we are eager to hear your thoughts on the topic, specifically with regards to what VREs could look like and which criteria need to be fulfilled for something to qualify as a VRE. Members from all ERUA Universities – and beyond – are welcome. No registration is required.




More information and Zoom link: