Call for Participation – ERUA Manifesto Writing Workshop POST-EXTRACTIVIST UNIVERSITIES OF THE 21ST CENTURY
person holding on red pen while writing on book
When: 26  27 October 2023
Where: Paris 8 University
Deadline for registration: 10 October 2023

Following a few months of preparatory work on various ERUA campuses, participants in the concluding meeting of the first cycle of ERUA activities, held on October 26 27, 2023 at the Université Paris 8, will be invited to formulate demands and suggestions fostering the transformation of our universities beyond the extractivist logic on which they remain established. (You can find here a previous document framing how extractivism is defined in this context and collecting previous proposals emanating from local groups.)

Participants are welcome in this workshop whether they have been involved in the preliminary stages or not, but everyone needs to be registered in order to participate in this concluding event ( registration is possible here until October 10).

Our goal is to discuss and translate our various suggestions to improve university life into a series of concise punchy proposals which could be assembled into one or several manifesto(es) of a few pages (each). Participants will be divided in small (46 people) Writing Groups in order to produce brief statements (between 1 and 5 lines) expressing one idea/suggestion/demand to be included in the manifesto. These statements elaborated at the Writing Group level will be read and discussed in a plenary session, in order to be amended, sharpened, criticized, augmented, contradicted or supplemented in a second moment of Supplem entary Group writing (expected to propose commentaries on previous propositions and/or to formulate new propositions missing from the first batch). After the workshop, this collection of statements will be polished and edited to be made available to a wide r international public (in a paper publication and/or a website).

Read the call at:–-ERUA-Manifesto-Writing-Workshop-V3.pdf