Website Accessibility

ERUA Alliance strives to provide accessibility to its websites and mobile applications in line with § 10 paragraph 1 L-BGG (Landesbehindertengleichstellungsgesetzes = act on equal opportunities for the disabled).
This accessibility information applies to the website

1. Current accessibility
ERUA is continuously expanding the accessibility of its websites’ content. Due to technical limitations of the central website and the framework conditions of configurable web applications, we cannot fulfil all the requirements at the moment. However, we have been able to reach a high degree of accessibility as the result of a number of projects and continual technical improvements. The central website and mobile applications comply in parts with § 10 paragraph 1 L-BGG.

2. Non-accessible contents
The following content and functionalities are not compatible with § 10 paragraph 1 L-BGG:
There may be limitations when using the navigation structure of websites or web applications
To some extent, no alternative texts for images or photos exist
Video formats do not contain audio descriptions
Some of the pdfs offered do not fulfil accessibility requirements
Some of the websites and applications cannot be used without a mouse

3. Release date
This information was compiled on 18 July 2021.

4. Feedback and contact
We aim to provide equal access to our webpages for persons with disabilities. If you discover barriers on our websites and mobile applications, please inform us and describe the barrier by using the contact form or sending an email to

5. Your rights
To ensure that the website complies with the requirements set out in § 10 paragraph 1 L-BGG you can write to You can find the contact details under item 4 on this website.