CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: What is Scientific Excellence?

What is Scientific Excellence?
In Search of a New Definition for a Reform University Alliance

An on-line Workshop organized by the Re:ERUA WP6 group
2 June 2022, 2-3 pm CET

What is excellence in scientific research and how should a reform university evaluate and promote it?

The definition of excellence criteria is fraught with methodological problems and political issues. How can we tell when new knowledge is being produced and how do we measure its impact? For ERUA members, whose core values focus on social responsibility, the need to redefine what counts as impact and excellence is all the more pressing.

Identifying and rewarding excellence in research has traditionally been based on quantifying scientific output in the form of scientific publications. All too often that amounts to relying on citation indexes and counting pages, a practice that tends to privilege quantity over quality. Furthermore, to capture the all too elusive concept of “impact” the quantification of technology transfer has served as a proxy. However, that such purely numeric criteria are inadequate has been increasingly recognized by both researchers and funders of research.


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