Call for Expression of Interest: ERUA Social Engagement Project
people eating inside of cafeteria during daytime

Service learning (SL) is an innovative form of pedagogy that combines the learning objectives of university courses with local community service to enhance students’ personal and professional growth and the common good. The main themes of service learning are oriented towards civic engagement, entrepreneurship, multidisciplinary and intersectoral cooperation in sustainable development.

The theme of the ERUA joint service learning project will be solidarity/hospitality. The module will be comprised of a theoretical and a practical part. During the theoretical part, which will take place at the New Bulgarian University (Sofia, Bulgaria) at the end of June/beginning of July 2023 (dates to be confirmed) the students will acquire knowledge and competences to go in the field and to be prepared for the challenges they may encounter. After this introductory part, students should start the volunteering experience.

We are looking for:

Academic and administrative staff with expertise in the field interested to contribute to the design and the delivery of the project. They will have the choice to teach online or on-site. In addition, their role will be to accompany the students in the whole process (follow-up meetings with students).

Examples of thematic interventions:

  • Historical and legal approaches of migration/hospitality
  • Sociological/ psychological implications
  • Intercultural experiences in engagement
  • Posture during volunteering
  • All relevant proposals are welcome!

Application deadline 7 February 2023.

Full information is available here