Open Science Meet-Up: Data Quality

One of the main ideas behind research data management is the publication of research data so they can be re-used in the context of future research projects. One paramount prerequisite for future re-use is the aspect of data quality, as only high-quality data are useful enough to be picked up again. In this meet-up, Matthias Landwehr, Head of Open Science at the University of Konstanz, will shed light on two main aspects of data quality: The quality of research data itself and the quality of metadata. The latter is just as important as research data quality, as research data can only be found and re-used properly if there is a proper set of data that describes and gives information about these data. In this meet-up, we will discuss what you can do to ensure proper metadata. Moreover, we will talk about the challenges revolving around research data quality and how these can be helped. Members from all ERUA Universities – and beyond – are welcome. No registration required.

Contact: Matthias Landwehr & Maximilian Heber, Team Open Science, University of Konstanz

More information and zoom link: