Research and Engagement for the European Reform University Alliance
Started in November 2021, the Research component of the European Reform University Alliance – Re:ERUA – aims at developing the research trajectory of the ERUA.
In this page you will find our activities and results to rethink research and innovation from the perspective of responsible R&I and inclusive societal engagement.
This project is funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 programme.

The Re:ERUA team at the Alliance Summit in Vilnius, June 2024.
Toolbox for Research Collaboration
ERUA Research Portal
The ERUA Research Portal is your gateway to information about the researchers and their research activities across the Alliance.
Listing of Re:ERUA Research Units
Mapping of research areas, key themes and equipments as of March 2023
Collaboration Opportunities for ERUA Researchers
National, European and international funding opportunities and training courses
Find Collaborators
This Ad Board is where any ERUA researcher can post “collaborator wanted” ads for the research projects they are developing or planning to develop.
Responsible Research and Innovation
Catalogue of approaches in social innovation and co-creation
How can academic research engage society? How do researchers understand and strive for social impact through engaging society in their research projects?
Collaboration Guide: Exploring Dilemmas for Societally Engaged Best Practices
Gendered Innovation Training and Mentoring Programme
Re:ERUA Digital Conference on Gendered Innovation
Open Science
Open Science Activities
Re:ERUA pursues Open Science-related efforts in the context of ERUA by seizing synergies within the alliance to the end of enhancing Open Science- related efforts within the alliance.
Open Science Ambassadors
Publications and Resources
Mapping Innovation and Societal Engagement
This report is a research-based deliverable (WP3) in Re:ERUA project aiming to foster societal engagement though Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) within the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA). Taking the inspiration from existing EU guidelines and the field of RRI, while focusing also on societal engagement and social innovation, it is contributing to the aim of ‘Science with and for Society’ objective of the European Commissions’ Horizon 2020 program.
The finding of the report shows the aim of balancing economic gains and social concerns through RRI is not simple. Subsequently, RRI should also include a democratic and regenerative approach prioritizing social innovation, besides investigating how infrastructure in scientific institutions can support matters of care.
This research-based report contributes to both RRI definitions and to recent discussions of alternative excellence in ERUA by bringing in researchers’ perspectives and disciplinary backgrounds, which inform how ethical concerns and methodologies are developed in their research practices. Also, the analysis concludes that responsibility should be balanced in infrastructural measures to ensure that the connection between outputs of research and its methodological processes are stringent, such as including work conditions, early career staff and stakeholder knowledge sharing and network support. These contributions are central to the strengthening of a reform identity in the alliance.
We believe that we thus provide an approach to responsible research that acknowledges relationality and interdependency, contributing to a (re-)conceptualization of certain aspects of RRI that more explicitly focus on bridging between economic interests and social concerns. This happens amidst calls to transition from understanding of research as efficiency-based indicators and quantifiable outputs towards the creation of responsible and reflective relations with research participants, be it human or more-than-human.
Authors: WP3 team: Assoc. Prof. Katia Dupret, assist. prof. Jennifer Eschweiler, PhD. Anna Umantseva, Student Ronja Hyldkrog – Roskilde University
Dupret et al. 2022. Mapping Innovation and societal engagement – RRI through a care ethics approach
Organising the ERUA Open Science Meet-Ups
In this context, a publication – in Open Access, of course – has been released, which bundles our experiences in organising and running the events and also addresses “lessons learned”.
Charter on Common Research Framework Program
Charter on Common Research Framework Program – Re:ERUA – Policy Paper- January 2024
Guidelines for Best Practices in Responsible Research and Innovation
White Paper: Guidelines for Best Practices in Responsible Research and Innovation
Here, you will discover comprehensive information about our ongoing efforts in mapping activities and gain insights into the research units and equipment across our alliance.
All the following information will be integrated into the ERUA research portal as soon as possible.
Mapping Activities Efforts – Research Units and Equipment
Explore the extensive list of research units within the 5 re:ERUA University alliance and delve into the state-of-the-art equipment housed within these units:
Research & Innovation (Infra)Structures, Resources and Networks
Action Plan and Procedures for Equipment Sharing Implementation
Beyond showcasing our research units and their equipment, this page is a valuable resource for understanding our action plan and procedures for implementing and sharing equipment across the alliance:
Existing infrastructures and resources sharing assessment and action plan
Following this action plan, we have developed guidelines on infrastructure sharing procedures:
Guidelines on Infrastructure Sharing
Re:ERUA News

Academic activism as a manifestation of societal engagement and innovation
Re_ACT is a Re:ERUA pilot project about academic action for the climate emergency. It brings to the fore the learning and societal trajectories of scholars

Communities of Cultural Commonalities of Paris and Mytilene
The northern parts of Paris (location of Paris 8 University) and the Aegean islands (specifically Mytilene, location of the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication.)

Re:ERUA, where are we now?
Now that we are halfway through the first cycle of research funding in the Alliance, it is an excellent time to look at the Re:

Administrative staff: Call for participating in research support staff visit at UP8 on 31 May, 1 and 2 June
In the ERUA research support network framework created under Re:ERUA, UP8 is organizing a staff visit to the University of Paris 8 on 31 May,

ERUA Summit 2023 – Call for abstracts. Why Universities? Reimagining higher education and research
Roskilde University, Denmark | 11-12 October 2023 The European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) invites you to submit your abstract. The conference investigates the role of

ERUA Open Science Meet-Up: Open Access Consortia on Thursday, March 30th, 14.00 – 14.45 CET
On March 30th, between 14:00 and 14:45 (CET), the next ERUA Open Science Meet-Up will take place on Zoom. The topic is: Open Access Consortia. In many cases,

Open Science Meet-Ups: Our Experiences with Organising and Running the Format
Since January 2022, staff in the Re:ERUA project of the Open Science team have been running the international Open Science Meet-Ups. This format, held in

Re:ERUA – An opportunity for new ideas and experimentation
The face-to-face meeting of the two expert groups for Re: ERUA took place on February 7 and 8, 2023, at the University of Konstanz. This