Portfolio Choice over the Life Cycle

Organizational unit: Department of Economics Course type: Hybrid intensive course The course “Portfolio Choice over the Life Cycle” consists of two parts: 1.) Theoretical part: In this part, the concept and relevance of portfolio choice and of life cycle models in general will be introduced. Furthermore, we will discuss research on how to choose optimal […]
Human and Aquatic Resources

Organizational unit: Department of Biology Course type: Online course This is a multidisciplinary course, which does not require a prerequisite knowledge about the aquatic environment. This course reviews interaction between humans and aquatic resources. We focus on the types of aquatic ecosystem services to humankind and the anthropogenic effects brought by humans on these […]
The institutional landscape. Between theoretical approach and the archeological examples of the Iranian highlands in Late Antiquity

Organizational unit: Department of History Course type: Hybrid course Every complex political system has institutions that express themselves in ways that structure the landscape physically and mentally; the latter can therefore be seen as a perceived, rather than an objective space. Accordingly, it is possible to interpret “institutional landscape” as the imprint of institutions in […]
The Why and How of Diversity and Inclusion

Organizational unit: Centre for Transferable Resources Course type: Hybrid course Diversity and inclusion are becoming increasingly important to both individuals and organizations today. This seminar will focus on diversity and inclusion, mainly in the academic context. We will be discussing questions such as how diverse, equitable, and inclusive is academia today? What biases and […]
Financial Literacy and Household Decision Making

Organizational unit: International Office Course type: Blockseminar In the course “Financial Literacy and Household Decision Making” we will dis-cuss the theoretical foundation and its applications of two main topics: 1.) Financial literacy: The concept of financial literacy itself and different methods for measuring it will be introduced. Furthermore, awareness regar-ding psychosocial factors associated with financial […]