Digital Humanities: an introduction to methods

This practice-oriented seminar introduces a variety of methods from the growing field of Digital Humanities. The focus is placed on the reflective application of digital methods, from data acquisition to analysis, visualisation and communication of research. • When does it make sense to collect data, and when is it appropriate to use archives and publicly […]
Business language in Spanish

The course aims to improve students’ business Spanish, knowledge and fluency in various professional situations. To achieve this, we will offer synthetic subjects, texts, MCQs as well as exercises in order to help students communicate in Spanish in a professional context both in writing and orally, as well as to learn about the work environment, […]
International trade relations in Spanish

In this course, students will work on their language skills (oral and written expression + oral and written comprehension) in order to achieve a good oral and written command of Spanish. In addition to linguistic knowledge and skills, students will acquire a solid understanding and deciphering of international trade relations. To achieve this, we will […]
Managing Diversity : Challenges of working in multicultural teams

Organizational unit: Centre for Transferable Skills “We need diversity of thought in the world to face the new challenges.” —Berners-Lee, inventor of the Worldwide Web, 2012 In a globalized world, working in an international environment with international teams is nothing unusual. Therefore, managing diversity and learning how to work in multicultural teams are two important/compulsory […]
FOSTER Open Science Toolkit for Students in Higher Education

Organizational unit: Centre for Transferable Skills Course type: Online semester-based course In 2018, the European Commission-funded project Facilitating Open Science Training for European Research (FOSTER) launched an online training toolkit with 10 modules covering key topics of Open Science theory and practice. Ranging from introductory to advanced levels, the modules introduce OS and components of […]
Critical Media Literacy: Tackling Information Disorder in the Digital Age

Organizational unit: Centre for Transferable Skills Course type: Online course Living and working in our modern world, we are confronted with a constant stream of ‚alternative facts ‘, propaganda, hoaxes, rumours, and advertising – while it becomes more and more difficult to distinguish fact from fiction to navigate the digital media world successfully. As recent […]
Digital Self-Publishing: the Hidden Continent in Contemporary American Literature

Organizational unit: Department of Literature, Art and Media Studies Course type: Online course Self-publishing is widely associated with vain but untalented authors on the one hand, and predatory publishers on the other. With the rise of online platforms that connect millions of writers and readers online, however, self-publishing exposes grey zones of professional publishing that […]
Immersive Analytics with Applications in the Life Sciences

Organizational unit: Department of Computer and Information Science Course type: Hybrid course / Directed Studies In this course we will study, present and discuss articles concerning foundations, current methods, and tools in the area of Immersive Analytics (IA), taking into account the life sciences as a main area of application. IA is an emerging research […]
Managing Diversity: Challenges of working in multicultural teams

Organizational unit: Centre for Transferable Skills Course type: Online course “We need diversity of thought in the world to face the new challenges.” —Berners-Lee, inventor of the Worldwide Web, 2012 In a globalized world, working in an international environment with international teams is nothing unusual. Therefore, managing diversity and learning how to work in multicultural […]
Gender Disparity through Linguistic Behaviour

Organizational unit: Department of Literature, Art and Media Studies Course type: Hybrid course The course is about the study of the relationship between language and society. It will highlight the various functions that a language performs in a society which results in disparity of genders. Therefore, this course aims at exploring the role of gender […]