8th ERUA Open Science Meet-Up: The Impact of Bulgaria’s National Open Science Plan on the New Bulgarian University
Unlike many countries of the European Union, Bulgaria channels their Open Science efforts through a national Open Science plan which was set up by the government. It is not hard to imagine that implementing this plan has had an overall impact not only on academic infrastructures in Bulgaria, but also on the way individual universities perform Open Science.In this meet-up, Kristina Stoyanova, Radostina Todorova and Assoc. Prof. Eduard Marinov will show how the plan has redefined the way the New Bulgarian University in Sofia performs Open Science. How has the plan influenced the university’s infrastracture ? How has it changed already-existing Open Science efforts ? Which new measures and Open Science services have been created as a consequence of what the plan requires and suggests? After the talk, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and to discuss individual aspects in greater detail. All members of the five ERUA universities (New Bulgarian University, Roskilde, Konstanz, Paris 8 and University of the Aegean) are very welcome to join the session, no registration is required.
For contact: Maximilian Heber, Team Open Science, maximilian.heber@uni-konstanz.de
Zoom link: here