Open Science Meet-Up: Teaching Open Science
The more the Open Science (OS) movement gains in momentum, the more the need arises to raise awareness on OS and its many facets. One cornerstone of this awareness is teaching – as through teaching both researchers and academic support staff can understand what impact OS can have on their professional lives.
In this meet-up, Sacha Zurcher will present how teaching OS-related practices is organised at universities in Denmark. Moreover, through the example of teaching research data management and the FAIR principles at Roskilde University (RUC), Denmark, she will share her experiences of some of the challenges in teaching this aspect of OS.
We are eager to find out about your experiences on teaching the many dimensions that OS entails. How is teaching OS organised in your country? What is your university focusing on in regards OS? What are your personal experiences when it comes to teaching (parts of) OS?
Members from all ERUA universities – and beyond – are welcome. No registration required.
- Sacha Zurcher, Special Adviser – Research Data, RUC-Bibliothek/ Royal Danish Library
- Maximilian Heber, Team Open Science, University of Konstanz
Date: April 19th
Time: 14.00 – 14.45
Location: Online