RE:ERUA - the Research component of the Alliance

Started in November 2021, the Research component of the European Reform University Alliance, Re:ERUA aims at developing the research trajectory of the ERUA.

We will set up an Engagement Strategy for the fields of research and innovation and build our capacity for its implementation within our Alliance. We intend to eventually unite all of our domain-specific strategies within this framework, including innovative teaching and learning.

The “engagement angle” is our ambitious way to implement the ERUA’s research strategy and ensure the global coherence of its outlook. As reform universities, a key motivation to map our trajectory towards the engagement approach is its potential to sharpen our critical edge, which is a core mission for each ERUA member. Collaboration with non-academic stakeholders is a crucial source of renewal and creativity for us and a means to assess existing processes and priority areas of development, test new ideas and ensure that we are indeed contributing continuously to the advancement and prosperity of society.

To achieve the goal of establishing an Engagement Strategy for ERUA, we will:

  • identify thematic and methodological convergences between the members of the alliance interrogate innovation through the lens of engaged research analyse the dynamics of co-creation processes at various interfaces, in order to foster human capital for Europe develop an Open Science toolbox as a crucial enabler for our engagement strategy.

Eventually, we will launch pilots and study cases to gather evidence about pathways to impact (internal and external) and models that might foster our institutional trajectory. The impact of these pilots and test cases will be assessed as the main criterion for evaluation and dissemination.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101035808

WP1 - Management and Coordination

The coordination and management tasks have the will :
– to design and implement a transparent and engaging governing structure which will unite the university and foster research cooperation ;
– to implement a governance structure for the Alliance research strategy and ensure articulation among ERUA-Erasmus
Contact: Valeria Manzione, Re:ERUA project coordinator –

WP2 : Engagement strategy for the research & innovation areas

The purpose of this work package is to establish new ways of steering research and fostering new, inventive cooperation formats which means embracing innovation models that focus on sharing knowledge between researchers, students, start-ups and larger companies with a strong focus on sustainable and ethical concerns.

Contact: Arnaud Regnauld  – / Valeria Manzione –

WP3 : Innovation and societal engagement

The aim of this work package is to drive ERUA to foster the engagement for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) of all sectors’ organizations and citizens through good governance, mutual learning, agreed practices and multi-actor and public engagement initiatives in research and innovation.

Contact: Katia Dupret – 


WP4 : The Alliance as an engine for Human Capital

The objectives of this work package are to develop a common framework for reskilling and up-skilling researchers/scientists and stakeholders, to provide women scientists and minorities with new opportunities, improve their skills connected with innovation and the social management of technology aimed at diversity and inclusion.

Contact: Elena Theodoropoulou –

WP5 : Open Science for Transparent Research and Public Engagement

„The term Open Science bundles strategies and procedures that all aim to consistently use the opportunities of digitisation to make all components of the scientific process openly accessible and reusable via the internet. This is intended to open up new possibilities for science, society and the economy in dealing with scientific findings.“

Mission Statement of the German-speaking Open Science AG, 2014 (translated and slightly adapted)

In this context, WP5 constitutes the central pillar of the research dissemination strategy that ERUA intends to promote within member universities and the alliance as a whole. It will make possible to take stock of the open Science policy within each university, to assess the strengths, delays and obstacles, to define a shared long-term vision and to implement a real logic of open distribution, to which all stakeholders adhere.

To discuss Open Science-related topics in a relaxed international atmosphere, the Re:ERUA Team hosts the virtual Open Science Meet-Ups on Zoom. Among other things, we explore current topics together, exchange different perspectives on Open Science and share best practices. Open Science enthusiasts from all ERUA universities are warmly invited, no registration is required.

Keen to find out more? You are very welcome to visit our website to find out what else will cover. You can also explore what we have covered so far and the session’s materials. You can also join our Open Science Meet-Up mailing list to stay up to date on future sessions.

Do you have an Open Science-related topic which you would like to discuss in the meet-ups? We would love to hear from you.

Contact: Matthias Landwehr – / Sonja Kralj –

WP6 : Sharing infrastructures and resources and develop common structures

This work package aims to create a strong research and innovation community within ERUA by connecting people, networks and resources among the five partner universities and by building shared infrastructures based on common R&I values, knowledge, languages and interests, between and among students, teachers, researchers and non-academic staff.
Contact: Valeria Sergueenkova –