ERUA Teaching Activities

Traveling Seminars

Call for Traveling Seminars 2022-2023

If you are looking for partners you can use the Partner finding platform created for this call. Please, follow this link.

Academic year 2023-2024

Approved Projects

“The aim of the workshop is to explore, address, and engage together in the challenges the universities face. The participants will formulate a manifesto with suggestions and demands on how to transform universities for the better.
Following a few months of preparatory work on various ERUA campuses, participants in the concluding meeting, will be invited to formulate demands and suggestions fostering the transformation of our universities beyond the extractivist logic on which they remain established.
Our goal is to discuss and translate our various suggestions to improve university life into a series of concise proposals which could be assembled into one or several manifesto(es) of a few pages (each).
After the workshop, this collection of statements will edited to be made available to a wider international public (in a paper publication and/or a website).

When: “13/10/2023 (Roskilde)
26-27/10/2023 (Paris )
Partner University: Paris 8
Academic coordinator: Prof. Kasper Risbjerg Eskildsen
Number of students: 60

The city of Konstanz implements several programs in support of innovation and sustainability. Students will have the opportunity to learn about projects such as Zukunfsstadt and LexiKON, exchange with personnel of the city council (Office for Urban Planning and Development, Office for Climate Protection) and visit local innovation centres.

When: 18-19/09/2023
Partner University: University of Konstanz
Academic coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Evelina Staikova, PhD and Ildiko Otova, PhD.
Field of study: Political science, urban planning
Number of students: 11

The course provides students with knowledge of migration policies and fieldwork as a qualitative method to produce empirical data within the social sciences. It is conceived as an intensive seminar focused on visual methods applied to the study of migration policies. It aims to increase MA student knowledge about migration policies and migrants’ representations, to enhance students’ skills to work in teams and to conduct field enquiries, and to develop students’ practical experience and capacity to reflect critically on their experience. In this intensive case-oriented seminar, students will learn and carry out a variety of fieldwork techniques, including participant-observation, notes taking, semi-structured interviews (with translator), use and production of visual data. It will also be discussed how one engages with research subjects in ethically grounded manners. The course combines teacher presentations (including migration policies and its study, training in empirical methods and video shooting), fieldwork assignments and exercises both individual and in ad-hoc groups, preparatory and debriefing workshops, student presentations of their empirical findings, group and plenary discussions. The variety of activities give the students an increased understanding and practical experience of working with the given academic methodology. Students are expected to read academic texts, to receive and provide peer feedback, as well as feedback from team teachers on group work. The purpose of the exercises and assignments is for the students to have the opportunity to put their own knowledge into play and collaborate with fellow students on academic topics. The assignments can have a product, in the form of writing, presentation, video editing and will be partly recycled in the portfolio exam.

When: 16.-21. 10-2023
Partner University: Paris 8
Academic coordinator: Eric Hahanou Komlavi+ Assoc Prof. Tatiana Vogelman+ Prof. Thomas Brisson + Dr. Clemens Zobel
Field of study: Global and development studies, nordic planning studies + politiques des migrations
Number of students: 10

“The Conference on the Future of Europe is an initiative that looks at legislative changes that will enable the EU to better face the future. It is expected to last two years in total and will involve a broad cross-section of society, giving citizens the opportunity to participate in the process.
In a resolution adopted on 15 January 2021, the European Parliament stressed that citizens must be at the heart of discussions on EU reform. The text also sets out their vision for the Conference on the Future of Europe.
However, the Covid-19 crisis has delayed the conference. In a resolution adopted on 18 June 2021, Parliament urged the Council to quickly find a format that would allow the conference to take place as soon as possible. EU believes that the conference should be held as soon as possible.

When: 9-13.10.2023
Partner University: Paris 8
Academic coordinator: Prof. Panagiotis Grigoriou
Number of students: N/A

Academic year 2022-2023

Approved Projects

The current crises provide favourable opportunities for civil society organisations in Bulgaria to accelerate their development, implement projects with social impact and contribute to the development of an inclusive and sustainable economy. Similarly to the developed European countries, Bulgaria has recently witnessed a rapid growth of civil society initiatives, which are often informal, spontaneous and voluntary but they still remain unnoticed and slightly explored. At the same time, they are largely influenced by the experience and practices in the developed European countries. In this regard, the main objective of the traveling seminar is to stimulate and generate ideas and concrete proposals from researchers and students to further encourage initiatives and implement projects of all citizens and particularly of young people that will ensure a sustainable future for all.

When: 30.nov 22-3.dec. 2022
Partner University: New Bulgarian University
Academic coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Katia Dupret
Number of students: 17

During the visit the students will get familiar with the Labs at the Science Faculty in the Uni Konstanz and the research performed there. They will also visit the “Biologishe Lehrzamlungen”, Aquarium and the Botanical garden of the UniKon. Discussion on joint diploma theses or Erasmus exchange of the students will be conducted.

When: 30.05-02.06.2023
Partner University: University of Konstanz
Academic coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Galina Satchanska, PhD, Kiril Kirilov, PhD
Field of study: Biology
Number of students: 16

This seminar consists of theoretical input, interactive simulations, raise of intercultural awareness, reflection on the own cultural imprint and study field visits. Some of the topics treated are “nations, states and borders”, “migration policy”, “social integration”, “policies developments “ and “volunteering with refugees”.

When: 23-26.05.2023
Partner University: University of Konstanz
Academic coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Evelina Staikova, PhD, Ildiko Otova, PhD
Field of study: Sociology, political science
Number of students: 10

In the framework of the semester course Literature and Human Rights by the Department of Literature, Art and Media Studies, a group of students will travel to Rhodos to work in a transnational network with researchers from the University of the Aegean. The results of the seminar will be developed further for a public exhibition in Biberach (Germany) and for the Biennial of Practical Philosophy in Rhodes (Greece).

When: 6.-11.03.2023
Partner University: University of Aegean
Academic coordinator: Dr. Sarah Seidel
Field of study: Literature
Number of students: 27

Inspired by The Medea Element film (dir. Nayo Titzin), Bulgarian and German students will attend theatre and sociodrama workshops, while also exploring the links of arts and the university.

When: 19-23.06.2023
Partner University: University of Konstanz
Academic coordinator: Chief assistant Georgi Gochev, PhD
Field of study: Art
Number of students: 9

The goals of the project are to reinforce the cooperation with a partner institution in ERUA, as well as an exchange between experience, students and knowledge. The group of students participating in the project will have the opportunity to explore most of the galleries for contemporary, modern design and art such as the “Centre Georges Pompidou”; “Museum of Decorative Arts”; “Musée d’Orsay”, “Design Museum”. The traveling seminar through the galleries will serve as a detailed study of basic principles and recognition of different movements/styles in art, and will increase students’ knowledge about contemporary art and design practices. The students will have the opportunity to explore the richest collections of seminal artists in the fields of design, conceptual art, redesign, ready-made, sculpture, painting, architecture.

When: 22-27.03.2023
Partner University: Paris 8 University
Academic coordinator: prof. Boris Serginov
Field of study: Art
Number of students: 20

Economics is often perceived as a rather opaque and mathematized field for those who are not closely acquainted with it: endless figures, complex formulas, abstract graphs and diagrams. Nonetheless, that scientific field describes events and realities that have had a tremendous impact on everybody’s lives, both as individuals and communities. Insofar as economics examines the decisions, actions, and behavior of economic subjects, the economic “narrative” and the literary narrative share the same basis—human behavior, motivation and dilemmas. We find that literature offers interesting accounts, representations, or reappropriations of economic realities and events, allowing us to better appreciate our understanding of such events and concepts. Literature features the human aspect of economic events and processes, shedding light on how both are constantly intermingled.

When: 03-05.04.2023
Partner University: Paris 8 University
Academic coordinator: Prof. Elena Spasova, PhD, and Assoc. prof. Eduard Marinov, PhD
Field of study: Economics/Literature
Number of students: 12

“The objective of the seminar is to create two teams of students, mixing Bulgarian and Greek students, and task each team with creating a strategy for the development of tourist industry in one of the two regions: Northwestern Bulgaria and Northeast Aegean sea.
•Tasks : Recruit students from Bulgaria and Greece to form two teams, with an equal mix of students from both countries.
•Assign one team to focus on developing a strategy for Northwestern Bulgaria and the other team to focus on the Northeast Aegean sea.
•Provide each team with the necessary resources, such as information about the region, market research data, and access to industry experts.
•Allow each team to work independently, but schedule regular check-ins to provide guidance and support.
•Encourage the teams to think creatively and come up with unique and innovative ideas for developing the tourism industry in their assigned region.

At the end of the project, have each team present their strategy to a panel of teachers and coleagues for feedback and evaluation.

When: 03-07/04/2023
Partner University: University of Aegean
Academic coordinator: Chief assistant Hristo Chukurliev, PhD
Field of study: Tourism Economics and Management
Number of students: 10

This bilateral project between the University of Paris 8 and the University of Constance aims to provide a multilingual and transdisciplinary pedagogical context for the construction of digital resources for the student community of the partner universities. The aim is to to open up a genuine dialogue between different disciplines, thereby engaging in a cross-disciplinary teaching and research approach. The aim is to to experiment with the scientific, intercultural and technological potential of initiatives for training and education in the various societal challenges of digital humanities and languages.

When: 31/03-04/04/2023
Partner University: University of Konstanz
Academic coordinator: Assist. Prof. Marie Chagnoux, Assist. Prof. Hanane BOUTENBAT
Field of study: Digital communication
Number of students: 25

In the framework of the Heritage Language Syntax 3 conference organised by the research laboratory Structures Formelles du Langage (P8) and the CNRS, a group of German students and academic staff will participate in the conference and collaborate locally with French academic staff and students.

When: 03/10/22 – 10/10/22
Partner University: Paris 8
Academic coordinator: Maria ZHUKOVA
Field of study: Slavic and russian studies
Number of students: 10

In close cooperation with publishing house YMCA Press, Centre culturel Alexandre Soljenitsyne and Paris VIII, the students will look into a matter of Peter Struve’s Paris years, research his Paris private archive stored at the YMCA Press (books with possessory marks, private letters, manuscripts), and visit the exhibition “Histoire d’une amitié Pierre Struve et Ivan Bounine” at Alexandre Soljenitsyne center.

As a result of the 7 days stay in Paris, Struve’s Paris archive will be examined, analysed and digitized, the exhibition Histoire d’une amitié Pierre Struve et Ivan Bounine  will be translated from French and Russian into German.

Later in October 2022, an online-meeting between a) the seminar-participants and coordinators from Konstanz, b) Dr Sofia Tchouikina, the seminar-coordinator from Paris VIII, and c) representatives of YMCA-Press and Centre culturel Alexandre Soljenitsyne will be held. Based on the work results from Paris, further steps such as a creation of Web-Platform on Struve’s Paris archive will be discussed.

When: October 2022
Partner University: Paris 8
Academic coordinator: Dr Maria Zhukova, Dr Innokentij Urupin (Konstanz
Field of study: Slavic studies, russian studies
Number of students: 10

We will read and discuss recent publications on German and French troubles with colonial history: restitution, postcolonialism and racism/slavery and migration debates. We will share research and publications experiences in Germany and France and aim at a comparative study of our sites of local colonial history. The course will be held by a team of members of both Universities: Paris VIII and Universität Konstanz and include history, cultural studies and literature.”

When: October 2022
Partner University: Paris 8
Academic coordinator: Prof Kirsten Mahlke
Field of study: History, cultural studies and literature
Number of students: 2

Academic year 2021-2022

The themes of this seminar are the French presidential election and the French language. The students will develop strategies to learn vocabularies, the electoral system and the stakes of debates. While discovering Paris, students will interview people about the presidential election: their impressions/perceptions, issues the candidates should address, etc. Meetings between French and Danish students are also planned.

When: May 2022
Partner University: Paris 8
Academic coordinator: Prof. Heidi Bojsen
Field of study: French language, sociology
Number of students: 14
Level of study: BA & MA

The seminar proposes an academic approach (research and seminars) on the issue of “Gender and Migration in the light of the new European Pact on Migration and Asylum”. The study should be carried out considering the new legal system that is taking place since September 2020 in the European Union in order to regulate in a spirit of administrative and social efficiency the migration issues in Europe. This new philosophy that is attached to migration issues seeks to strengthen the political, legal and social ties between the EU member states through the expression of solidarity and mutual understanding at the level of a very violent and serious social crisis (migration).

When: November 2021
Partner University: Paris 8
Academic coordinator: Prof. Panagiotis Grigoriou
Field of study: Sociology
Number of students: 10
Level of study: BA & MA

The aim of the project is to study the production/manufacturing process of a characteristic local product (of Greece and of the partner country) and propose changes in the process in the framework of SDG12 and circular economy.

When: March – April 2022
Partner University: University of Roskilde
Academic coordinators: Ass. Prof. Anna Maria Kotrikla / Hatziantoniou Maria
Field of study: Environmental Management
Number of students: 10
Level of study: BA

Globalization of the markets and media has not provided fast equalization in consumer behaviour around the world. Therefore, the knowledge in complex nature of consumer behaviour is highly needed. The seminar aims to list the characteristics of consumer behaviour, factors which influence it, as well as to outline difference(s) in existing consumption patterns around Europe.

When: To be Announced
Partner University: Paris 8
Academic coordinator: Dimitar Trendafilov
Field of study: International business development
Number of students: 2-3
Level of study: MA

This course introduces students of the second year to selected problems in French phonology, which are discussed on the basis of selected texts. The goal of the course is to acquire a comprehensive, descriptive understanding of the phonological system of French as well as to be able to apply basic concepts of phonological theory.

When: To be announced
Partner University: Paris 8
Academic coordinator: Prof. Georg Kaiser
Field of study: Linguistics
Number of students: 10-15
Level of study: BA

This project aims to compare, from selected cases in Europe, and particularly in France and Denmark, how contemporary debates on degrowth influence the ways of living in a city and in a university. The objective is, on the one hand, to initiate exchanges the Nordic Urban Planning Studies team of the University of Roskilde in the fields of pedagogical innovation (project-based pedagogy specific to the institution) and its consequences on the development of the university (collaborative workspaces, third places) and, on the other hand, on the forms of urban innovation in social and spatial practices and planning policies in the cities of Roskilde and Copenhagen.

When: To be announced
Partner University: University of Roskilde
Academic coordinator: Alain Sinou
Field of study: Urban Planning
Number of students: 10-12
Level of study: MA

The students will work on urgent and complex issues raised by the detention of migrants in the camps of Lesbos, in the double context of European border policy and the geopolitics of migratory flows through Greece.
The pedagogical objectives of the project target the collective dimension of the internship, the active and dialogical working methods, the understanding of the ethical and methodological stakes of the field, and the production of textual and audiovisual contents restituting the experience.

When: November 2021
Partner University: University of Aegean
Academic coordinator: Eric Fassin
Field of study: Sociology / Gender studies
Number of students: 10
Level of study: MA

The project “Cooperative expertise workshops in companionship” foresees the mobility of the members of the cooperative expertise workshop “Care in sensitive territory” at the University of Roskilde for 4 days. This exchange will allow students from both universities and their pedagogical/coaching teams to exchange on their respective practices of working in project mode and their relations to the territory. The workshop is composed of about ten master’s students, from different disciplines, mobilised for 6 months to co-build with local actors a deliverable that can respond to a social issue.

When: June-July 2022
Partner University: University of Roskilde
Academic coordinator: Chloé Lemeunieur
Field of study: Territorial Empowerment
Number of students: 10
Level of study: MA

The project wishes to experiment a new pedagogy of research-training-creation involving three groups of actors: the student team (main actor); the teaching team; associations and companies in the area. The project will be co-constructed by students and teachers from the three partner universities and will focus on spatial planning, a central issue in the context of an international pandemic.

When: June 2022
Partner University: University of Roskilde
Academic coordinators:  Charlotte BALLAY-DALLY (Université Paris 8 – FR), Véronique CLEMENT-COMPAROT (Université Paris 8 – FR), Nédra MELLOULI-NAUWYNCK (Université Paris 8 – FR), Kim SANDHOLDT (Roskilde Universitet – DK)
Field of study: Spatial Planning
Number of students: 25
Level of study: BA

Following the transformation with digital and analogue means of a war memorial dating from 1872 in Tettnang, the aim of this project is to built up a similar virtual/real mourning site in France and connect the places. Rather than indicating to a war seperating culture, this could establish a shared, truly European space of mourning. This site will be specific and dynamic: all stories narrated within the newly devised memorial will be connected to the Tettnang on the one hand and the respective French sites on the other.

When: TBA
Partner University: Paris 8
Academic coordinator: Prof. Albert Kümmel-Schnur
Field of study: Media / Arts
Number of students: 15
Level of study: 

ERUA Teaching Exchanges

Academic year 2023

The ERUA Teaching Exchanges give an opportunity to establish collaboration in different fields of interest with colleagues from our ERUA partner universities. The Teaching Exchanges are meant as a first step to get to know the partners: Initial contacts are set up via a virtual or physical exchange within the framework of seminars or lectures and thus draw out opportunities for further cooperation.

Please find here the 2023 ERUA Teaching Exchanges Call. Any questions? Please contact Charlotte Langowski

Virtual Exchanges

Virtual Exchange is an innovative and flexible form of online learning and has become very popular among teachers who want to internationalise their course and promote intercultural dialogue and soft skills development among students. These new forms of teaching are a real chance for our alliance and could allow more and more students to have an international experience while staying at home university.

To increase the expertise in VE and therefore offer a quality training to ERUA students, workshops and trainings are organised in collaboration with UNICollaboration throughout the academic year.

For further information, please contact Chloé Le Moal (

A 5-days advanced training course, Collaborative Class-To-Class Virtual Exchange Design, will be held online on 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th and 16th September from 9:00 to 13:00 CET.

The course is addressed to all teachers interested in developing their own VE with other colleagues of the ERUA alliance.

The aim of this course is to present to teachers the required steps to design and implement a successful class-to-class virtual exchange project. Participants will be provided with all the digital and pedagogical tools to co-design their own VE project in collaboration with another teacher of the alliance.

More information on this training course: here

Application deadline: 26th August

The detailed program will be available soon.

The training Introduction to Virtual Exchange will be held online, on June 1st, 3rd, 8th, 10th from 09:00 to 13:00 CET.

Participants will be introduced to VE through experimental learning and will understand the requirements to successfully integrate VE into existing courses and curricula.

The training course is addressed to all teaching, technical and administrative staff of the alliance, interested in implementing and/or coordinating VE projects.

More information on this training:

Application deadline 20th May, 2022.

The detailed program is available here.

Joint Summer / Winter Schools

Teaching Opportunities for Academic Staff

The ERUA Summer School 2022 “INNOVATION & SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT FOR EUROPE” will take place in July/August at the University of Konstanz.

We are currently looking for enthusiastic lecturers who would like to share their research, expand their international networks and gain teaching experience.

You can find the call with all further information here

Application Deadline: April 14, 2022

Service Learning

Service learning (SL) is an innovative form of pedagogy that combines the learning objectives of university courses with local community service to enhance students’ personal and professional growth and the common good. The main themes of service learning are oriented towards civic engagement, entrepreneurship, multidisciplinary and intersectoral cooperation in sustainable development.

In the framework of ERUA, we would like to develop a joint service learning project.

For further information, please contact Chloé Le Moal (

The theme of the joint service learning project is solidarity/hospitality, it comprises a theoritical and a pratical part. The theoritical part will take at the New Bulgarian University at the end of June/beginning of July 2023. The students will acquire knowledge and competences to be prepared for the challenges they may encounter and then they should start their volunteering experience.

We are looking for academic and administrative staff to contribute to the design and the delivery of the project.

More information on this project: here

Application deadline: 7 February 2023

ERUA Presents

Language Courses