Sustainability Marketing

Whether it is coping with ‘Peak Oil’, meeting the challenge of climate change, helping farmers in poorer countries through fair trade, or finding ways to keep discarded products out of the landfills, sustainability issues are the biggest challenges facing businesses. The course shows how the complexities of sustainability issues can be integrated into marketing. The […]
Digital Humanities: an introduction to methods

This practice-oriented seminar introduces a variety of methods from the growing field of Digital Humanities. The focus is placed on the reflective application of digital methods, from data acquisition to analysis, visualisation and communication of research. • When does it make sense to collect data, and when is it appropriate to use archives and publicly […]
International Communication

Organizational unit: Centre for Transferable Skills Background Today’s working world has become diverse in terms of colleagues and clients. Although quite exciting, interaction in increasingly diverse environments can also be quite challenging in terms of working style, differing values and attitudes towards, and communication in a lingua franca that is not one’s own language. In […]
Gender Binaries and Linguistic Practices

Organizational unit: Department of Literature, Art and Media Studies The course is about the study of the relationship between language and society. It would highlight the various functions that a language performs in a society which results in disparity of genders. Therefore, this course aims at exploring the role of gender as a sociolinguistic variable […]
Age and Gender Partialities Based on Socialinguistic Practices

Organizational unit: International Office The seminar is about the study of the relationship between language and society. It aims to discuss that the use of languages in the societies are governed by gender, age, class, race etc. Therefore, these factors play an important part in maintaining social roles and creating power structures in a society. […]
Contemporary Dance – Improvisation and Choreography

Organizational unit: International Office Do you love movement and dance? Do you want to experience dance and not only watch it? Then this will be a workshop for you. Let´s experience movements through imagery, fantasies and tasks. We will do a nice warm up, learn some techniques and possibly create a short choreography based on […]
Power, Subject and Agency (INT-17570)

Day 1: Critical Psychology – A subject-scientific approach to Psychology! In this course, students will have the possibility to engage with the concept of Critical Psychology. The relationship between the subject of knowledge (the scientific researcher) and the object of knowledge (the object studied) will be discussed. Therefore, the nomothetic versus interpretive character of the […]
Basics of Artificial Intelligence

Organizational unit: Centre for Transferable Skills Course type: Intensive course What is artificial intelligence and what can it do today? What are the technical basics and what effects does artificial intelligence have on work and society? The seminar looks at the technical and methodological foundations of artificial intelligence, gives an overview of today’s fields […]
Gender and Diversity in Negotiations

Organizational unit: Centre for Transferable Skills Course type: Intensive course Psychological research on negotiation and gender has developed considerably in recent years. For example, it has found evidence that women who stand up for themselves in negotiations often experience social backlash (e.g., Kuli & Olekalns, 2012; Kray & Thompson, 2004; Williams & Tiedens, 2016). […]
Developing Writing Skills

Organizational unit: Centre for Transferable Skills Course type: Online course This course for non-native speakers provides students of all disciplines with the skills required to develop their academic writing in English. It is suitable for those who have to complete English assignments in any discipline. You will learn practical, transferable strategies – such as […]